Hi there!
Thanks for visiting my site. I created this website mainly so that I could vent about my experience with the keto diet and weight loss in general.
Weight loss is not easy as many of you probably know. It requires consistent and calculated healthy eating as well as regular exercise. For anyone who is going through a weight loss journey and feels stuck, believe me I have been there.
Its not easy to drop pounds especially when you have no sense of direction. When I first started out I tried many different diets and fitness routines but without any progress. Why? Because I didn't do enough research and I didnt commit to the process.
Hopefully with my advice you can go about weight loss differently :)
Thanks for visiting my site. I created this website mainly so that I could vent about my experience with the keto diet and weight loss in general.
Weight loss is not easy as many of you probably know. It requires consistent and calculated healthy eating as well as regular exercise. For anyone who is going through a weight loss journey and feels stuck, believe me I have been there.
Its not easy to drop pounds especially when you have no sense of direction. When I first started out I tried many different diets and fitness routines but without any progress. Why? Because I didn't do enough research and I didnt commit to the process.
Hopefully with my advice you can go about weight loss differently :)